Bucket Truck Inspections

Combination Boom Inspections
This boom is similar to the telescopic boom except it incorporates a short articulating lower boom. The short lower boom gives the operator extra height while limiting the extreme side reach that would create a center of gravity problem.
These boom rarely exceed 45’ and can usually be mounted on a lighter truck. Manufacturers include Elliott, Altec, Telsta, and Versalift.
Telescopic Boom Truck Inspections
These cranes are typically custom installations and they are usually an integral part of the user’s everyday job. The inspection of these cranes is mandated annually at a minimum. The bridges of these cranes typically travel over workers’ heads. Manufacturers include: Kone, Harrington, Shaw Box, Demag, Budgit, Northern, Shepard-Niles and Yale
Material Handler Inspections
Adding a light duty jib crane to the tip of a bucket truck enables the worker to hoist materials up to his work area and can act as an extra set of hands as well.
Typically used in the electrical construction industry for lifting and positioning items like transformers while fastening them to utility poles, the material handler option can be added to articulating, telescopic and combination booms.
Manufacturers include Altec, Telelect, Holan, Pitman and Versalift.
Sign Crane Inspections
Used primarily in the sign business, these booms will sometimes incorporate a light duty crane and also a ladder.
Manufacturers include Elliott, Sponco, and Radocy.
Platform Trucks
These platforms are generally large and offer a work area that will exceed that of a bucket truck. You will usually see these lifts used in tunnels and under bridges.
Manufacturers include Challenger Towers and Aerolift.
Articulated Crane Inspections
Workers generally use these booms in the electrical utility or arborist trades. They come in both insulated and non-insulated versions.
Manufacturers include Altec, Terex, Holan, Telelect, Reach-All, Pitman, Lift All, Hi Ranger, Versalift, Telsta and Teco.
Bridge Snoopers
While the truck is located on the road surface of the bridge, the 3-piece boom goes out and under the bridge. This setup is designed for bridge inspections.
Common Manufacturers: Paxton Mitchell.
Stability Test
Crane and Bucket Trucks will need stability tests in certain circumstances. We are experienced and have performed these tests without incident historically.
Dielectric Tests
We perform standard ANSI dielectric tests on bucket trucks, digger derricks and platform trucks. We also perm customer specific testing as well.
We use AC hipots that are required by most manufacturers.